

Nevermind all the bogus conspiracies. Let's ask them the questions we are unsure of. The responsibility for our childrens' safety from these forces against us ultimately falls into our own hands.

 Let's Count the Survivors from Ms. Soto's Class

First, let's accept the generous number of 16 students in the class.

Soto's class picture shows 15 kids,  but ABC says there were 16, so maybe one student was absent.

"5 slain 9 survived" = 14? [link at examiner]
"5 of the 16 students in Soto's class were slain."

Note: In case of bad links, backup copies are available.

  • Police found "7 kids safe in the closet." [2]
  • 6 kids (4 girls 2 boys) at Gene Rosen's house. "Mrs. Soto is dead." They each left with parents between 10:15 and 11:00. [3]
  • Aidan Licata, girl named Emma, plus 1 boy ran away. A woman picked them up in her van and took them to police station. [4]
  • Jen Maksel sees 5 Soto students at firehouse, while searching for her son [5] , and-
  • 5 more Soto students, boys, including Bryce Maksel have been taken to Newtown police station by "two moms". [6]
    Could this be the same group that CT Rep. John H. Frey's sister Tricia Gogliettino picked up? "5 1st graders"?
Jacob Riley was in any of those groups. [8]

If Jen Maksel saw 5 of the 7 of Ms. Soto's students that were found in the closet and perhaps evacuated to the firehouse by police, who (obviously) were
  • not the ones from Gene Rosen's,
  • nor had they been on the run and found at the PD,
or Jen Maksel saw 5 of the 6 of Ms. Soto's students that Gene Rosen, the bus driver, and the parents showed up with at the firehouse, according to the parents and Gene Rosen, who had (obviously)
  • not been found in the closet and brought by police,
  • nor came from or gone to the PD,

then it appears that 21 of Soto's students survived.

The other two groups that were on the run were,

1. Bryce Maksel's group of 5 boys,
  • a different size group than Aiden Licata's group of 3,
  • who were picked up by "two moms", which is different than the "woman in a van" who picked up Aiden's group.
  • No mention of Aiden Licata nor Emma, the girl in Aiden's group.
2. Aiden Licata's group consisted of 3 - one girl, Emma, Aiden Licata, and a boy,
  • a different size group from the "5 boys" in Bryce's group.
  • They were transported by a "woman in a van", which is a different vehicle than one with "two moms".
  • No mention of Bryce.

And we know that the students that were on the run were
  • not found at the firehouse, because we know that they were picked up and that the parents received texts that their kids were safe at the PD, and that
  • no kids had run out of the fire station,
  • nor had the kids who were found at the Newtown Police Department been to Gene's,
  • nor were they found in cupboards, because they would have also been taken to the firehouse to be reunited.

21 students survived from Soto's class.
And 5 of Soto's students perished?
Where did the extra 10 or so survivors come from?

And what do you make of these specific reports?
Teachers on Facebook: "He killed her and not one of her children were harmed."
Friend on Tumblr: "Not one of her students were harmed."
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Carlee Soto, "13 children will be able to say their alive..." [link to]
Soto hurried her first-graders into a bathroom near Classroom 10, just beyond the school’s main glass doors. Two students stood on the toilet. Others huddled on the floor. With no space left, Soto stepped out of the small room herself, a witness said. A 20-year-old man wearing black stepped into the classroom and shot her before quickly exiting the room. [link to]
Tell me how can they tell that a person in a mask is 20 years old? Or a man?
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There were 3 1st grade classes originally. Now consolidated into 4 1st grade classes? [9] Mrs. Kaitlyn Roig was the third 1st grade teacher. [10] And we know all of Kaitlyn Roig's students survived.

Not to mention that there was apparently 14, not 15 victims in Mrs. Rousseau's class.
"There were 14 coats hanging there and 14 bodies. He killed them all," said a law enforcement officer.
"...14 of her students and a special-education aide." [link to]
"The gunman shot all 14 students in the classroom, law enforcement officers said." [link to]

The 1st graders who were on the run had to have come from Mrs. Soto's/Mrs. Rousseau's class. Privacy issues in mind, class lists with first names + last initial would not be too much to ask.


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